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Paris fuel....................to keep me going

When in Paris you need certain things to keep going. To sustain your energy. Lots of expresso, American coffee, and Coca Cola Light of course.

And then you need to hunt down the Toilettes.

A few croissants to snack on in between. I told you my sister-in-law Louise would keep me going at a breakneck speed. Don't you love how the French make even a humble pasty bag clever with a few corner twists?

The real fuel in Paris is the visual candy, the beauty, the endless supply of incredible beauty. 

The petite floral shop near our hotel.

Louise was sitting here at 5:30 am this morning watching the sun rise, the joggers go by, the workers begin their day. Her quiet time while I slept in a bit.

Cafes for waiting out a few short bursts of rain.
And seeing a fun pair of red shoes.

~ Luxembourg Gardens ~

Thank you to the readers and followers who have been leaving such lovely
 comments while I am traveling. And welcome to new followers. Though 
it is difficult to see too-much Paris, if it starts to get boring, just let me know.

All Paris photos by Sande Chase ~ A Gift Wrapped Life

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