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Jeepers Creepers!

... Where’d you get those peepers! No ... I haven’t lost the plot ... well ... maybe! 🤣 I’m just tucked up inside today, listening to the rain bucketing down & working on my Secret Squirrel project.

You guessed it! Adding peepers around the stitchery. My design process is kind of organic. I might have a vague idea of how it will look when finished, but I start with one element, then add another ... then stop & live with it for a bit to work out what comes next. And as you can see, I’ve learned to take notes of measurements & construction directions as I go to make the instruction writing process a bit easier. I’m enjoying seeing this project growing & can’t wait to share it with you. Stay tuned. 😉

Do you take the time to enjoy the process of creating? I hope so, because as overused as the phrase is, “it’s not just about the destination, it’s about the journey.” We can sometimes get so focused on aiming for perfection or finishing a project that we lose some of the enjoyment & fun. That’s part of why I’m hosting OPAM again this year ... not only to give us all a little nudge to finish projects, but to remind us to take time to enjoy creating. For those of you who have managed both goals this month 😉 it’s time to add your tally to your sidebar finishes list & email me your February totals. 😁

For now, though, I’m off to make myself another cup of tea as I contemplate what comes next in my Secret Squirrel project. 😉 I hope you all have a relaxing & creative weekend. For those of you in south-east Queensland & nearby please stay safe in this mega-wet weather & take special care if you have to be on the roads. Take care, stay safe, keep stitching & keep smiling. 😊 Til next time ...



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