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Finished for Another Year

Here I am at the end of another busy two weekends of Cambridge Open Studios... the tenth year I've taken part. I uploaded the photos last night but was too exhausted to write anything which was probably a good thing. It would have been a very different post from this morning
I was really happy with the way things looked this year and was excited by my new venture... the pop up cafe, but last night I felt tired, deflated and was left wondering whether it was all really worth the effort. The idea of the cafe was to possibly attract more customers... especially the many locals who have never set foot in the house. But alas, that was not to be. There are a handful of friends and neighbours who always pop in and support me but there are many, many more who most likely never will, no matter what is on offer.
But after a good night's sleep, this morning I am more philisophical about the whole thing. Yes, it has been hard work and I'm exhausted, yes, it would have been good to have lots more people come but overall it has been successful. Those who have visited have been enthusiastic and kind about my work and many have gone away saying that they feel inspired and I am grateful for that.
I would still continue to create in one form or another even if there were no Open Studio visitors so every single person who comes and visits is a bonus. I have also sold some work too and that of course is the icing on the cake. I always feel that Open Studios is about showcasing work so sales are always very much appreciated.

In between the two weekends I was making more cordials... a cherry and lime cordial made from cherries picked from the tree on the field behind our house.
And of course, making more cake... these two were for our Embroiderers' Guild supper on Friday...
But there were more new cakes for the pop up cafe too.

And although it would have been good to have attracted more new people along to try the cake and visit my studio I still managed to raise £80 for the East Anglian Children's Hospices.
And so I'm not being grumpy and waiting for the storm to pass... (not that it is in the least stormy)
But I'm dancing enthusiastically in the rain... whilst dismantling all the open studios stuff, packing for a class at Art Van Go tomorrow, getting ready for Summer School next week, and believe it or not... baking another cake! So I'd better get a move on...

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