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Agatha Christie

Better go for one of the more famous in my collection and really need no introduction. 

Strange how you can live somewhere and not know such a famous person lived nearby
She lived in Winterbrook in Cholsey near Wallingford in this house which I past many times, every day when I was an apprentice.

 Even today you will pass by it going to Wallingford along the Reading Road

 A blue plaque can be seen by the front door and I've seen many people from all over the world looking at it taking photo's and even selfies.
There is a walk called the Agatha Christie Trail which runs from Wallingford to where she is buried at St Mary's in Cholsey and it you go looking for the grave it's over in the right hand corner of the churchyard. Rather than tell her life story Wikipedia can do a better job
Since writing this blog the headstone has been cleaned up

Cholsey Church

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