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Fall decorations...

We drove to Arthur, Illinois today. I wanted to get out. It was all drab and dreary here this morn, so after checking the weather in a couple other places, Arthur seemed to be the one that promised to be sunny. And by the time we were there, we were in bright sunshine.

We ate at my favorite restaurant...Yoder's Kitchen....or is it Yoder's Country Kitchen...I honestly cannot remember. I for the longest time called it one thing and it was the other and now I can't remember which is correct and which isn't. They have the best chicken, best dressing, and vegetable soup! They are served on their buffet, which we always get. I always get those three things..sometimes I try a little of something else, but I always choose those first.

I ran by Stitch and Sew to pick up a couple things, then by an Amish shop out in the country where I got Lorelei some coloring books. They have coloring books more along the lines of what we had as kids...not based on some TV cartoon or character. These have all kinds of nice pictures of animals, and kids playing doing things.

We headed on home from there, sticking to back roads for about half the way.
We passed this place after we left the previously mentioned shop....I liked the door area, and I liked the fall decorations.
I set and finished the binding on Lorelei's quilt. I will wash it tomorrow, and try to clean up all the strings, etc....and hopefully I will get photos taken to show tomorrow night.

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