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Math-Hammer: Vendetta with Heavy Bolters vs. Vehicles (Corrected)

by SandWyrm

From Librarium Online:
Grats on the 1000th post! (On Librarium)

I've got a question for you: Do you still have your weapon/vehicle simulator? I'd be interested to know the stat dump on a vendetta with Heavy Bolters against different kind of vehicles, and the differences in kill/disable percentages.



SandWyrm's Reply:

Sigh... you would make me modify the script for firing multiple weapon types at once. Fortunately it only took 6 lines of code. I be like... efficient and stuff. ;)

Edit 10/6/10:

Yeah, right, like it would be that easy. :)

I started doing some other tests with the modified script and noticed some wild luck fluctuations between runs that shouldn't have been there. So I re-factored the script properly and re-ran these tests. Ork Trukks got more destroyable, and Rhinos less so. Most other fluctuations were with a percentage point or two of the previous post. The results have been updated.

Here ya go...

Vendetta vs. Ork Trukk (Open-Topped AV10, 1 Weapon)

Lascannons Only:
    Stopped Target Movement: 96% (Stunned, Immobilized, Wrecked, or Exploded)
    Stopped Target Firing:   96% (Shaken, Stunned, Weapon Destroyed, Wrecked or Exploded)
    Destroyed Target:        74% (Wrecked or Exploded)
    Did Nothing to Target:   2%

Lascannons + Heavy Bolters:
    Stopped Target Movement: 98%
    Stopped Target Firing:   99%
    Destroyed Target:        85%
    Did Nothing to Target:   1%

Vendetta vs. Chimera Side/Rear (AV10, 2 Weapons)

Lascannons Only:
    Stopped Target Movement: 86%
    Stopped Target Firing:   96%
    Destroyed Target:        54%
    Did Nothing to Target:   2%

Lascannons + Heavy Bolters:
    Stopped Target Movement: 93%
    Stopped Target Firing:   99%
    Destroyed Target:        64%
    Did Nothing to Target:   1%

Vendetta vs. Rhino Front (AV11, 1 Weapon)

Lascannons Only:
    Stopped Target Movement: 80%
    Stopped Target Firing:   90%
    Destroyed Target:        45%
    Did Nothing to Target:   5%

Lascannons + Heavy Bolters:
    Stopped Target Movement: 85%
    Stopped Target Firing:   94%
    Destroyed Target:        47%
    Did Nothing to Target:   3%

(Heavy Bolters aren't going to do anything to AV12 or above, but I'll include the rest of the AV values for the sake of Vendetta-stat completeness.)

Vendetta vs. Chimera Front (AV12, 2 Weapons)

    Stopped Target Movement: 68%
    Stopped Target Firing:   81%
    Destroyed Target:        35%
    Did Nothing to Target:   12%

Vendetta vs. Leman Russ Side (AV13, 2 Weapons)

    Stopped Target Movement: 54%
    Stopped Target Firing:   68%
    Destroyed Target:        24%
    Did Nothing to Target:   24%
Vendetta vs. Leman Russ Front (AV14, 2 Weapons)

    Stopped Target Movement: 38%
    Stopped Target Firing:   51%
    Destroyed Target:        12%
    Did Nothing to Target:   42%
As you can see, Heavy Bolters add a couple of percentage points to your likelihood of killing Ork Trukks (Assuming your Chimeras' multi-lasers don't pop them first.). But it's more interesting that your chances of killing a Chimera on the side or rear goes up 24%. While your chances of killing a Rhino on the front or side go up a whopping 36%.

Yeah, the corrected numbers are more like what I originally expected. You get some decent benefit vs. AV10, but Rhinos only get a tiny bit easier to kill. Overall... meh. There's worse things to spend 10 points on, but I wouldn't make it a priority. AV10 is already pretty easy for your Chimeras to kill.

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