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Internet dating for wargamers or ‘The Blind Date’

This post was prompted by the shock on the face of a (female) work colleague when I told her of this practice.

Now the thing I like best about wargaming actually wargaming.  I don’t travel that much with work but when I do I use the power of the internet to try and find a local wargamer or club to get a game or two in.  This has resulted in a number of games in Switzerland (against 2 opponents) others in London and Grimsby and, this week, a couple of games in Portugal.

My dating sites of choice are TMP and LAF.  Between them they cover a fairly high proportion of regular forum using wargamers and also most of the planet.

Sarah was appalled that I had never met Pedro before and had no idea where he lived yet I was jumping in his car and going off with him!  Everything that one should not do on a blind date.  She actually seemed quite worried for me.  In fact I had a whale of a time, playing two good games of Force on Force set in a Portugese colony in Africa in the 60’s.  We also had a great chat and I enjoyed meeting his family and partaking of their excellent hospitality.

So next time you are stray from home and have some time on your hands try a blind date via an internet forum - you never know you may get lucky!

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