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Monsters in our midst

There is no argument anywhere that suggests that Newtown, CT mass murderer Adam Lanza was anything other than a monster.  A monster that was raised among the peaceful population of a pretty normal American small town.

But to say that we had no idea that this horrible massacre was possible, that nobody could have predicted that such a disaster could have occurred given everything we knew, I am not so sure that argument is a solid one.

Adam Lanza, as unpopular and politically incorrect as it may now seem, was what kids once called a 'sped', or special education student.  He was an 'MR', or mental retarded kid.  Or the short version, what Rahm Emanuel now knows as a 'retard.'

Back in the day, speds, MR's, retards, whatever we called them, were not integrated into our public and private classrooms like they are today.  They were segregated for very good reasons.  One very good reason for segregating kids like Adam Lanza from the normal kids was that retards like Adam Lanza would require lots and lots of special attention from the teacher, thus taking away attention from the rest of the class.  Back in the day, kids like Adam Lanza were removed from the general classroom environment, and put into special education classes, or simply kept at home.

Back in the day, if retards or speds were even temporarily introduced to a 'normal' classroom environment, the normal kids would ascertain immediately the status of the retard, and almost simultaneously pronounce the kid a sped or retard.  And then the feeding frenzy would begin, and the retard such as Adam Lanza would be ridiculed, made fun of, beat up, and subjected to every other form of bullying that 7 year old kids are known to do.

Little kids are mean.  Sometimes they are as mean and nasty as snakes to other little kids that are different. They always have been, and always will be, and accordingly we used to segregate these speds from the normal kids to limit this kind of behavior.

But unfortunately, we don't segregate the speds and retards anymore, thanks to the progressive thinking of our public school phD chancellors and top tier educators.  These over-educated braniacs have determined that society will be better off if we dump these retards into the general classroom environment, and hope for the best.  And guess what happened to the retard Adam Lanza when he was at age 6 or 7 let loose into the general population of classroom kids?  He of course was labeled a dope, a retard, a sped, and so it went for the rest of Adam Lanza's educational experience.

But add to this unfortunate miscalculation by our all-knowing public education system, a mother who teaches her retard, sped MR son how to lock and load, aim and fire a deadly military style assault rifle.  Talk about a recipe for "instant monster", I can't tell you what kind of thinking was going on in that house, but it was not optimal.

The mother had been led to believe that her son was just another boy in town, since he attended public school along with everybody else, and was subjected to some bullying, no big deal.  She'll teach him how to load 30 round banana clips, show him where she keeps her Bush Master .223 AR-15 assault rifle, and things will be just fine. 

The sped, retard, MR or whatever you want to label Adam Lanza, remembers the taunting and bullying from the normal kids back in Sandy Hook, and now is armed to the teeth and ready to take revenge. 

But nobody saw this coming? 

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