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Logan (Movie Review)

*This review will contain spoilers*

In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X at a remote outpost on the Mexican border. His plan to hide from the outside world gets upended when he meets a young mutant who is very much like him. Logan must now protect the girl and battle the dark forces that want to capture her. 

This movie has garnered a lot of success and has amazing reviews but I just don't it! I found this movie seriously underwhelming and a big let down. I grew up watching the X-Men movies from the 2000's and I loved them. Over the years there has been a decline in the quality of X-Men movies being produced and the story lines have more holes than Swiss cheese. This movie, unfortunately, is no exception. 

X-Men: Days of Future Past I did quite enjoy overall, however, there were quite a bit of plot holes that were never discussed or even mentioned. And it's not like we will get those answers from the new X-Men movies that feature iconic X-Men characters as their younger selves. So I was really banking on an explanation as to how the hell Professor X is even still alive!?

In X-Men: Days of Future Past we know that by altering the past the future was changed but we never get a clear answer on what happened and what didn't happen that caused Professor X, Scott and Jean to be alive. Did the dark phoenix thing never happen? So much change yet very little answers. I need to have some sort of fluidity between movies otherwise it just takes away from the story and the movies become unenjoyable for me. 

Another thing I wasn't a big fan of is Logan deteriorating and slowly dying from adamantium poisoning. As far as using the comics as source material, Logan did get adamantium poisoning when he lost his healing abilities. I do like the metaphor that the thing that is his weapon is the thing that is killing him. But overall, I would have enjoyed a different ending for Logan. He ended up dying fighting to protect young mutants but it would have been better in my opinion if he died surrounded by familiar faces which leads to my next problem with this movie. 

What happened to all the thousands of mutants? What happened to all the X-Men? I don't know why so many things were brushed over. How did we go from having mutants come back to life to now barely having any mutants? I can understand a few of them dying when Charles had a seizure and his abilities allowed him to hurt others around him but come on! Killing all the powerful X-Men? Very doubtful. If he actually did kill them, then the Professor we know wouldn't allow himself to continue being a danger to others. Sounds more like they had a small budget and couldn't afford many mutants with expensive abilities. 

We've gotten accustomed to some amazing fight scenes over the years so the only saving grace was Laura (X-23) fighting like she was a mini wolverine. It was epic and I would like to see more of her in future movies. However, that small saving grace doesn't save this train wreck of a movie. The endless amount of plot holes are just too overwhelming and make this movie impossible to enjoy. 

I am going to give Logan 1 star on 5. This rating comes as no shock I didn't like the movie. It felt long and dragged out. Barely held my attention and again THE FREAKING PLOT HOLES!!! I expected so much more and yet I'm still baffled that this movie got so many good reviews. It's obviously an end of an era but does it really mean much if the story doesn't make sense? 

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