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    For those of you that may know me. You know that my favorite comic book character is the Punisher. Although the books haven't been really worth a damn since the Garth Ennis Max run ended. Not including the Marvel Netflix run, which is pretty sweet. Anyways I was checking my comments (Which by the way feel free to say something if you wish. I really do love getting feedback. Good or bad.) there is a new comment on a post I did about oh, TEN YEARS AGO. Doesn't seem like it's possible that I could have posts that are ten years old. But there you go, that's what I get for thinking. Anyways there's a link to there website in the comment. So it's basically an ad masquerading as a comment. I suppose there are those that would be mad about that. I just think its funny they think my little old blog gets enough traffic to justify it. I suppose jokes on them, eh? They sell t-shirts, and firearm accessories. Which hey good for them. A couple of the shirts are cool. But there's a lot of lame going on. Pink triangle dip finishes? Even my wife thinks thats lame. Whats lamer than that? Doing it to AR15 pistols. One of the most useless firearms ever, and that's saying a lot for me. I like some useless crap. Mad Max double barrel shotgun pistol, LeMat revolver, and Mauser C96 all come to mind. But you know what they have the interest and are pursuing it. So I can't really talk to much crap. Despite the mad love for Glocks. How many of us have the balls to go after our love, and maybe turn it into a living? So all together, I'm not really endorsing them. But I am amused they commented on my little ol blog.

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