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On Plein Air landscape

Hidden Falls Trail 9x12

 Have you ever witnessed an unusual tree formation and were somehow drawn to it so that you had to paint it? Okay may be not and I'm just one of those obsessive compulsive types which I honestly own up to that enjoys the beautifully quirky. I mean...I just don't paint the beautiful girls even though I throw in one of those rare beauties once in awhile. Look at that last post.

 But as I was walking on this trail awhile ago I saw a group of trees during the Autumn months form a triangle. I mean...it looked cool and weird like an abstract sculpture happening planned by that guy who does the environmental art that melts away. Goldsworthy I think.

 Which brings me to the topic at hand which is a continuation of the buying market. Rule one. If they can't see it they can't buy it. Seems obvious but usually as painters we can not always be the best judge of what may attract an art lover. What woos them can be shielded from our consciousness. We may be looking at an off value or mis-drawn arm without looking at the totality of the statement or feeling which we have painted.

 There is a famous tale when two great titans met during the Renaissance. Titian was the champion of
"colorito' while Michelangelo was the powerful brush of "designo". It was a distinction between color and light with expression vs. design and well executed drawing with color. You can make a case today that that distinction exits between the new academicism and the expressive Alla Prima style.

 So the story goes like this. When Titian arrived in Rome he looked up Michelangelo. Titian had brought along one of his paintings to show the master . While they looked at each others work Titian looked at Michelangelo's piece and said " Nice drawing but the lighting is dead " Michelangelo replied " Nice light and color but the arm is not drawn accurately".

 What we have here is not just a failure to communicate but two ways of judging a piece. Notice that they did not judge the content....... more on this but Studio tour is in full swing and people are coming in...,,bye for now


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