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As one door closes another opens!

This post might come as something of a surprise to some, although maybe not to those who have followed my shenanigans here the past 10 years or so. 

After 10 months of pretty intensive painting of 18mm Napoleonics, starting as a modest lockdown project that grew into a 1000 figure collection it's time for me to move onto pastures new. So in my time honoured fashion this beautiful collection is going under the hammer because the plain truth is that I have come to the conclusion that I'm no longer a wargamer, just a guy who gets a lot of pleasure out of painting model soldiers. 

I have made a video for YouTube as it's easier for me to do it this way and place the link in various FB pages etc before I have to resort to the dreaded eBay. From April 2020 to present here on the blog contains hundreds of images of the collection for perusal of close ups.

No doubt as I clear out all I presently own something else will take my fancy as I have no intention of stopping painting, but I may well simply paint to sell or on commission going forward and I still have figures for Old John and Gerry to finish off next. Oddly enough, having made this decision over the last few days I feel very happy about it, for some reason I have completely lost the ability to enjoy  wargames as I used to be able to several years back, for me the pleasure is in the planning and the painting. 

So, onwards and upwards. A couple of images of recently added bases of Bavarians and Prussian reservists. Also a couple of shots of the recently finished off bases of the 40mm figures which will soon be heading off to new owner, once I can figure how best to post/courier them! These sat on bare bases for the past year and I managed to get a really good match to all of the rest that I did back in Spain.



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