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Weight Loss Secrets...what I learned on my personal WW journey.

Several readers have emailed me and asked for specifics about my weight loss journey, asked for tips and any "weight loss secrets" that I could share with you.

Weight Loss Secrets are a hot topic!
 Ads promoting these "secrets" and food advice and diet regimes are popping up all over the web.

In the past and out of desperation I clicked on many of these links and read with anticipation eager to find that miracle diet as I knew it HAD to be out there somewhere...if only I kept looking.

Let me state first off that I was a staggering 160 pounds...and at 5 foot 1 inch that put me in the obese category.
I felt immense shame and my body image was very low...I wore tent shaped clothes basically, stylish tents but voluminous pieces that were meant to hide my bulk...which they didn't.
I was trying to pretend that they did...
It's sad but true how we choose denial in these situations.

My blood pressure was through the roof and I was put on high blood pressure meds and my doctor insisted that I lose at least 10 pounds.
Ten pounds should not be an insurmountable task but I could not shed these on my own even after trying several diets and reading numerous books on the subject.

Fruits in their natural state are free of WW points so they make a great choice for a snack between meals.

But I still clung to the hope of that miracle food or diet that I thought I could quickly and easily shed the weight, after all 10 pounds is not much.
I actually believed in my heart that if I followed some of the quirky advice out there that I would be able to slim down without putting much effort into it.
I admit it now, I was just plain lazy.
I'd rather sit around and read than hit the pavement and walk or go to the gym.

Hah what a joke...and the joke was on me.
I was under the wrong impression and found out very quickly that what I needed was a simple basic regime and some healthier life style changes if I was to be successful.

There are No Weight Loss "Secrets"... 
it's mere science and common sense.

I needed help and some educational tools and support so I went to WW online.
They had so many published "success stories"  that I figured if these average women could do it I could too.

I knew that I needed to be accountable and online would not be the best route for me so I joined the local chapter and have never looked back.

Low point breakfast Little Big Bread toasted with a boiled egg for protein.
I find protein stays with me and helps me feel satisfied longer.

I had to start some physical exercise and walking was the logical choice for me.
It is free and I can do it when it fits into my schedule.
As we live so close to the beautiful seafront and an area filled with lovely homes and gardens to gaze upon I felt distracted by the actual walking and felt more like I was enjoying the scenery.
Time passed quickly and soon I was able to increase the length of my walks.
I started out small...20 minutes everyday.
Now I aim for at least 45-50 each day with one or two 10K walks a week with a friend.

It has become a healthy habit and one that I look forward to each day.
It is a gift to me.
As if I am saying I am worth it...

I no longer need the high blood pressure medication and feel so much stronger.

If I can lose 30 pounds so can you.
It took me almost a year but in that year I learned what I should eat and how movement could change my shape and improve my muscle tone and bone health.

It was hard to stick with it when I saw friends eating battered fish and chips and munching on chocolates but I told myself that when I got to my goal weight I would be able to enjoy these foods sparingly...which I do now.

After my walks I often sit down to a small snack with my cup of tea.
I have been savouring the Food Should Taste Good multi grain cracker chips with a tablespoon of Hummus.

Wearing figure flattering clothes that are not "tent like" and meant to camouflage has been an unexpected bonus.
My first pair of white jeans in years has filled me with a new found confidence and I actually think my self esteem has improved.

The basic minimal wardrobe that I have put together almost exclusively through charity and thrift shops after consigning all my "fat clothes" has been quite a lot of fun too...
less expensive than buying all new and fun to find.

~ ~ ~

I wrote this post in response to several readers who are struggling with their weight loss journey.
I hope that I have answered all your questions and if I have not please leave me a comment and I will answer.

Weight Watchers worked for me and if you need a sensible way to lose weight I encourage you to enroll in the program.

If I am able to influence one of you to make a change and turn your life around it will be worth it.

Have a fabulous weekend!

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