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The Thin Red Line

Well this is my first lot of painting after Salute. I am happy to confirm that this is my latest batch of 10mm Pendraken figures. They were part of the lot I bought on eBay but they were unpainted when I got them. There were a few painted and based already but those have been re-painted and re-based as I want them to fit in with what I have got already. My painting style did in fact change on these and I think for the better as I was less reliant on a heavy dark wash to finish them off. Which has lead to a slightly brighter more vibrant finish.

Purists will note that they are still in the Red Jacket and not in Khaki which the majority were by the time of the Sudan campaign.  But for me The Red coated British soldier is synonymous with the colonial period. Additionally I may well use them in a Zulu war game so rather than the dull desert colours I am sticking with the red. Sorry if this gets up anyone's nose but They are my figures and I wargame for myself and not for anyone else.

They have been specifically painted for Peter Pigs "Patrols in the Sudan" Rules and should be a good opposing force to my Mahdists. Contrasting strongly with their more rag tag look. Can we all say "Spanking in red!"

I have to say I am pleased with how these have come out. I have even put chevrons on a few of the figures (not many though) to represent non commissioned officers. I did find it a struggle at this scale but I think it's worth the extra effort. I normally would not have but the guy I bought them from had on some of his and I was not going to be beaten once I knew it could be done. Don't strain your eyes looking for them, just know that they are there!

That's it for today I hope to have a thin Blue line to show next time. Thanks for looking and hope to see you in a couple of days.

All the Best Clint

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