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Rogue Stars: Cat Food Box Terrain

This is the building I made from a cat food box, although as you will see later versions are better and more windows and doors.

Your basic building materials.

All separated out.

The inner bits were the ones we are using to make our construction.

We only need one for now.

Cut it in half, 18.9 cm, mark it all round.

Next cut the box in half, no I am not left handed, can't take pictures with my left hand at all!

The 2 halves. Surprise surprise!

Mark down the long edge 7.5 cm from the base, all the way round. Cut off the end bits at the small wall section. But only score the 2 long lengths as these will form the base.

Mark as shown so you know where to glue to. The width of the box should be 9.2 cm.

It does say 9.2 cm-flash sorry.

Put wood glue on the lower tab, the marked one and then press together and use pegs or whatever you have to hold it in place.

No, that is not my foot inside the box!

Leave to set for an hour at least then you can cut more windows and doors to facilitate miniature placement. I used the perforated tab you can see in the top half of the picture as a template to create the new features.

I added a 3 cm strip to the top edge of the box to create cover for models and also to allow the stacking of buildings ontop of each other. I will take more pictures and post when thay are completed.

This is the original, didn't do so much work on the doors and in fact really made the whole thing upside down. Later buildings are more accessible and miniature friendly.

I used all the little bits of left over card to create all the exterior details along with a bit of sand and wood glue.

Then I painted the whole thing with emulsion paint, greys of various hues, then added details in white.

Will post soon when all complete.

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