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Ishoo Ninty-Wun: Floating Rock Forests

I am reliably informed that the internet's finest creepsters will be gathering for The Dwellers Below's Face/Off tournament on the 24th and 25th. I am also reliably informed that I am making the top table, and that the terrain will be raffled off.
And why should you miss out, simply because you are not enough of a creepster (I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing to be honest...) to go the Face/Off and win a raffle? Why should you not be able to enjoy the pleassures of floating rock forests in the comfort of your own home? What the hell is a floating rock forest, I hear you cry...
Well, it's a made from an alloy of awesome and win, and it's easy enough for the traditional hippo to make, and it looks the business. What more can you ask?
Cue the Grotletter (because he was dissapointed when the poll came out in favour of SF Generators)!

Note: My Nan does not actually look or talk like this.

And there you have it, hippo fans! Part of a mighty table depicting a landscape rent asunder by powerful magics! A landscape which YOU could win by entering a tournament for internet creepsters (I still don't know if this is a good thing, but I like typing it) and then getting lucky on a raffle! Or you know, make your own.

Anyways, not only will this lot be at Face/Off, but so will I! Not as a player (as noted before, I am Melbourne's reigning supreme champion of Warhammeric incompetence) but to display certain magnificent stuffs, and deliver comission work, and talk to people about them giving me huge amounts of money in return for small things made from insulation materials.

Also Little Wars come to that.

Until next time, hippo fans - remember to ring your mother more often, and commit at least one act of sickening awesome per day.

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