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Disney WANTS to destroy Marvel and Star Wars

At least, if you accept that model, their behavior makes more sense.  Quoting the following article, with comments of my own:
I previously wrote how Brie Larson is a huge gamble for Disney and Kevin Feige - especially following the failure of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - and now the Captain Marvel movie looks to be in big, big trouble, unfortunately. 
Back in January, following the NCAA trailer, it was reported that Captain Marvel was projected to have a massive $160 million opening weekend with some estimates even offering $180 million. 
However, the bad news for Kevin Feige and Captain Marvel is that those projections have now dropped upwards of $80 million, as it is reported the flick may only open around $100 million. 
The latest projections come from Deadline, with the site offering Captain Marvel will now open in line with other Marvel origin films, but won't come anywhere near Black Panther's $202 million. Interestingly enough, further evidence Captain Marvel is not as highly regarded among fans comes from the fact that Black Panther supporters have not supported the Captain Marvel gofundme to get girls to go see the movie.
Wait; what?  Marvel is creating a gofundme to get people to see their movie?  What in the world?

The main reason Brie Larson is a gamble is because she's uncharismatic and joyless.  To be fair, from what everyone is saying about her character in the actual comics lately, that describes her as well.  What nobody seems to understand is that women who act like fake men, who are uncharming, unpleasant to be around, and unfeminine, are not likable.  To anyone.  Girls don't like them.  Men don't like them.  Nobody likes them, and at an instinctual level, we understand that such semi-women are flawed and dysfunctional.  It's probably subconscious, and most people can't articulate why it's true, but most people at a bone-deep level understand, however, that it is.

I'm curious where these projections being tossed around above come from, but it should be obvious to anyone at all anywhere that Black Panther was an extraordinary opening.  It wasn't that great of a movie, but because it spoke to black identity, it got black people to see it in numbers that are unusually high.  Because of the dysfunctional nature of our society, it also got virtue-signaling white people to go see it like crazy, because they wanted to demonstrate how ... whatever, non-racial or something that they were to everyone in their life.  And then, the movie was only mediocre, and was based on tier 2 (at best) level characters—which means that they'll never be able to pull off that kind of thing ever again and have anywhere near the same financial results.

Did they think that they could recreate that same bizarre and unique perfect storm of events again except with feminist identity?  I dunno, but it kinda sounds like they did, yeah.
There is also a huge problem with Brie Larson who has been spinning Captain Marvel as a feminist movie, essentially isolating the audience, and she even recently came out against white males for some reason. I'm actually surprised and disappointed in Kevin Feige that he is allowing Larson to destroy the MCU audience, and that Disney and CEO Bob Iger haven't learned anything from Star Wars. It's never a good thing to split the audience or insult them. Do they not want white males to go see the movie?
No, not really.  I mean, they'll take their money, but one thing that Disney has signaled very loudly and very clearly is that they hate white males.  They hate white culture.  They hate white identity.  They hate, hate, hate, hate hate white people period.

Which is why the Left is always running around accusing the Right of hate, which confuses and demoralizes the Right, because the Right doesn't really hate anyone.  (Yet.)  With the Left, it's always projection.

And arrogance.  And a shocking lack of awareness.

adapted from Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

But yeah; they won't and in fact probably can't stop doubling down.  The author of this article seems surprised and shocked and disappointed, but that's because he's slow to realize what's happening.  Those of us (like me) who have already seen the pattern and already know what's happening, (and in fact, at this point, can't unsee it everywhere we look—even when we want to just take a break from it) are not surprised, shocked or disappointed—because we already know what's happening and why.
As I have been tweeting and responding to fans, the storyline surrounding the character is also cause for concern - something Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo have recently responded to - as the character's movie is not even out and already she is said to be this overpowerful character, the new face of the MCU, reason for the formation of the Avengers, new leader of the Avengers, etc. The same arguments apply to any male character as well, as Feige is retconning Captain Marvel as a be all end all character in the MCU, which is coming off as more and more ridiculous, especially as Larson does more and more interviews (with non-white males, because why - white males are bad?? Larson does realize her bosses are white males, right? Guess that didn't come into question when she signed her $5 million deal for Captain Marvel and her 7-picture MCU deal, right? Is Larson buying any young underprivileged girls tickets with that multi-million dollar contract??).
Just what Marvel needs; to create for itself a Superman problem.  One of the big advantages Marvel always had over DC was that it didn't have a Superman.  Yet now, they're trying to create one, except of course, that she has to be a grrl-power Superman.  When she makes every other character superfluous, the convergence of Marvel will be complete, and everyone will have lost interest in it.

In any case, no—Larson's bosses are not white males.  They are Jewish males.  Totally different.  She's probably doing exactly what they want her to.  With some few notable exceptions, Jews in America are probably tied with blacks for being the most unassimilatable population subgroup that lives here.  They simply don't become Americans.  They maintain themselves apart, and are openly hostile to traditional American cultural institutions, and want to hobble them when they can't openly destroy them.

But yeah; Larson herself, as well as the execs at Disney, all belong to the soi-dissant elite caste of "Americans" who's main point of identity is their hatred and contempt of America and any American institution.  They want nothing more than to grind white males beneath their heels.  Which is why pop culture has become an open lecture over and over again of hate propaganda against masculinity, Christianity, Americanism and whiteness.
Disney, Feige and Marvel Studios could be banking on having a zombie audience that will simply go see all their movies no matter what is said or how good they are; however, that scenario has been played out with the aforementioned Disney Star Wars movies and also Marvel Comics. As a result of The Last Jedi, Disney has put the movies on hiatus for what looks to be at least another two years (no movies are coming out after Episode IX that have been announced). Regarding Marvel Comics, the past seven years or so saw them insult fans and force characters onto fans - all shades of what is happening with Captain Marvel - which backfired big time for Disney as executives were fired and sales are dwindling (it's so bad that Disney's consumer products, which includes Star Wars and Marvel Comics, is the only division at the company to have reported a loss). So will the same happen with the MCU? Brie Larson and Captain Marvel are supposed to be the face of the MCU for five more movies following The Avengers: Endgame, what happens when fans turn their backs? The MCU goes on a hiatus?
Yes, probably.  Then again, Star Wars and comic books are the last descendants of various boy's adventure stories that epitomize being a white male.  So naturally this hostile over-caste of people who hate white males don't really want it to succeed.  They want to subvert it, but they aren't really all that bright, so they don't understand (or believe) that subverted Star Wars and subverted comic books will lose all of their appeal to any paying audience.  But their secondary goal to have destroyed something that white males value is worth it to them anyway.

UPDATE: I thought the following comment was pretty funny, by "Chief_Tuscaloosa_welcome_white_man":
Marketing (via Brie Larson) to potential girl audience: "Come see this movie with this girl who's prettier than you and stronger than you and invulnerable to you stabbing her in the back metaphorically via social media in order to have a better chance at getting Chad on the soccer team to like you."
Marketing (via Brie Larson) to potential boy audience: "Go screw yourself, white boys, I'm probably into purple crayons so keep your filthy money and see something else."
Awaiting box office results of this one-two punch! 

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