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The Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference

My friend Terry is one of the ones getting this conference together. It looks fantastic, and the panels should be so informative, so if you are a book blogger, I'd definitely consider signing up for the conference.

Here is what the Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference is about:
The Book Bloggers and Publishers Online Conference is being held April 13-17 and we are very excited to have some fabulous publishers involved and to be offering thirty audio panels, numerous forums, and chat rooms. The best part is you can attend from the comfort of your home!

We will be giving away books to all bloggers and reviewers attending and all the panels are recorded so that if you miss any live you have a month to catch up. Learn how to work with publishers and get review copies, where you can attend live events, what other bloggers are doing to promote their blogs, and gain a better understanding of how the industry works.

Publishers Participating
Simon & Schuster, Penguin USA, Bloomsbury, Sourcebooks, Bell Bridge Books, Egmont, The Wild Rose Press, MLR, Lyrical Press, Breathless Press, Ravenous Romance, Dreamspinner Press, Dark Castle Lords, and 15 more.

If you are interested in learning more visit the BBP Blog -http://bbpcon.blogspot.com
Registration is $45 for 5 days - Depending on Genre You will receive more than the price of admittance  in free books - Shipping of $7 or under may be added for the shipping on the large print giveaways.  If money is an issue please email us and see about helping with the conference in exchange for attending.

Thank you for your time and consideration, if you have any further questions you can email Terry Kate at romanceinthebackseat@gmail.com

There are really some great panels involved with it, including What Publishers Look For in a Blog, Reviewing: Print vs. Ebooks, Blogger Burnout - Learn different approaches for getting over the burn, The Design & Technical Side of Blogging, and many more.

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