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Teacups-Part 4

Jodi's Teacup

Jodi was my cousin and this teacup didn't actually belong to her.  It was a party favor from Jodi's 50th birthday party.  Jodi's husband threw her a surprise birthday party.  It was really hard to surprise Jodi and he was so proud of himself for pulling it off!  Shortly after the party Jodi passed away from complications after surgery.  Jodi was our "glitter glue"... she kept us all together with her humor, her love and her wonderful, warm hugs.

So the teacup didn't belong to Jodi, but every time I look at it I can hear her voice, feel her hugs and see her laughing until tears rolled down her cheeks.  And I laugh too, because I know it's what she would expect.

Did you end up "collecting" something just because it reminded you of someone you love?

Thanks for dropping by and reading about my teacups...

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