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Dark Shadows Episode 479 - 4/25/68

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Lang prepares his surgical gear as Jeff lies unconscious on the table. Jeff wakes strapped to the table, and asks why he didn't just kill him. Lang explains that he has plans for Jeff. Jeff realizes he plans to take his face. Lang gives him another injection that knocks him out. After he's knocked out, he tells Jeff that he should feel honored that Barnabas has chosen him through which to see and speak.

He is interrupted by frantic knocking on the door, and calls from Barnabas. Lang lets him in and Barnabas tells him he's afraid. He says he had a sudden urge to attack someone. Lang reminds him that he said the symptoms might recur, and how to deal with them.

Barnabas stands over the covered body on his table. He asks if it's Jeff, and Lang explains that he interrupted him. Barnabas asks how he can be a new man and still be himself. He asks if he'll see himself in the mirror, or the ghost of a man haunting him from the grave. He tells Lang that he can't let him do it. Lang calls his sentimentality ridiculous, and Barnabas asks if it's sentimentality to recoil from such a horror. Lang counters that surely he's no stranger to horror. Barnabas says he'll never be free from guilt. Lang asks if he truly wants him to stop, and to allow Jeff to marry Vicki. Lang warns him that he'd return to his former self and go on to destroy her out of revenge. Barnabas tells Lang to proceed, and leaves him alone.

Vicki stops by to see Dr. Lang. She lets herself in, and can't find him in any of the rooms. She calls for him and Jeff. Barnabas hears her, and returns to Lang's lab. He tells Lang that Vicki is downstairs looking for Jeff.

Lang asks why she expected to find Jeff there. She says he was coming to get his things and move to the Evans cottage. Lang says some of his things are gone, so that must be the case. She says she was expecting him hours ago. Lang describes Jeff as unreliable. Vicki says she thinks something terrible has happened. She says if anything happens to him, she won't know what to do, as she loves and needs him. Barnabas listens in from the other room. Vicki tells Lang that Jeff is all she wants.

Barnabas sneaks back into Lang's lab. Standing over Jeff's unconscious body, he says he knows Vicki will never change. He grabs a scalpel, and then puts it down. He undoes Jeff's restraints.

Lang returns to his lab and finds Barnabas with Jeff still on the table, but not restrained. Lang tells Barnabas to leave so he can get on with his work. Barnabas says he overheard Vicki. He says his mind is made up. Lang says his mind is made up, too. While they bicker, Jeff wakes up. He explains Jeff knows the plan, and they can't blackmail him any more. Barnabas says he can tell Jeff it was a delusion. Lang says they can't take a chance leaving Jeff alive.

Jeff gets up with a scalpel, and says he heard everything they said. Barnabas tells Jeff he's free as long as he doesn't harm Lang. Lang tells him he doesn't want another murder on his conscience. Jeff asks him what he's talking about. Behind his back, Lang fixes a syringe. He lunges and stabs Jeff with it, who falls unconscious again. Barnabas asks if he's dead, and Lang says he will be very soon.

While he straps him back down to the table, Lang explains to Barnabas that he's killing Jeff to save his experiment. Barnabas tells Lang he can bring in Julia. He tells her she can use hypnosis to make Jeff forget everything. Lang says he doesn't want Hoffman informed of his experiment. Barnabas tells him she can keep his secret. Lang tells him that no one must know what he's doing. Jeff starts to wake and calls for Vicki. Barnabas picks up the phone to call Julia. Lang draws a gun from a drawer and points it at him. He tells him to hang up the phone. Barnabas asks what he thinks a bullet will do to him. Lang reminds him that thanks to his treatment, Barnabas is susceptible to death.

Our thoughts

John: Yes, the portrayal of Lang is over the top, but I do like him. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll live long enough to see his creation brought to life.

Christine: It's doubly entertaining to see Roger Davis try to compete with Addison Powell's over the top performance in their scenes together. The squirming, squealing reaction he had to the injection was quite unique.

John: Jeff had already heard Lang's claims that he was a murderer, so I was disappointed that it was used to successfully confuse him, allowing Lang to easily (well, as easily as preparing a syringe behind your back can be) overpower him. And before you say Jeff was still under the effects of the previous injections, he was pretty spry when he hopped up off the operating table.

Christine: I think it may prove that he really is thick headed Peter Bradford. That was pretty amazing work by Dr. Lang loading up a syringe behind his back. It must have been part of his training in bizarre medicine.

John: Did Barnabas honestly believe that Lang's treatment only affected the negative aspects of his curse? If so, I'm surprised that he's still alive!

Christine: Wait till he realizes that he's going to start aging, and will also need to bathe and change his suit regularly. I wonder if he's started sleeping in Jeremiah's old canopy bed in the Old House, or if he's still slumbering in his coffin in the basement.

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