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ack - arghghghgh - ack some more!


and here's another beautiful sky pic for my friend Helga. i have a telephone date with her later today. i am looking forward to it.

jambaloney has just left to go back to ottawa. he'll be back on monday night late. i am already crawling out of my skin not knowing what to do with myself. he wasn't supposed to be leaving until next friday, but dates changed and whatnot and we found out on tuesday - like 3 days ago - that he had to go today. what a scramble! because we thought we still had a full week - we have half of the house torn up so it's an awful mess and it has to stay that way until he gets back. my nerves are shot.

i hate when things pop up unexpectedly. we are planners. we plan for things. especially even more so since moving here. we like to know ahead of time what is expected of us. this came completely out of the blue. i almost wish we cancelled. but he needs to go back to go to an important meeting with his mother. ugh. i feel sick.

anyway - we went down to the river the other day and had our first swim - woohoo - we love swimming! but the river is really backed up! more on that later! here's our matching river shoes. jambaloney's are too small for him but he still manages to squeeze his feet in.

here's the new path jambaloney cut for us going down our road to the river. he left all of the wildflowers on the sides of our path. we love the wildflowers.

whenever i see one of these guys i sing "froggie-frog-frog" and jambaloney always corrects me and says "it's a toad". i don't care though. i love singing the frog song.

see how backed up the river is?

check it out. we had to wade through 1ft to 4ft high water just to even get to the river!!! you can be sure that if we ever build our dream cabin down here that it will be built on stilts!

the reason for the backup is because of a blockage where the river empties into the ocean. it happens every year. we are hoping that the county backhoes will be out soon to clear the blockage. it's awful pretty water tho.

these trees are in trouble if the water line doesn't go down soon.

it's some gorgeous looking out of the forest and at the river and sky, eh? i love it.

i saw something pink in the woods. this is what we climbed through to find it.

i knew i had seen something pink. check out these wild roses.

so dainty and delicate!

the snapdragons don't seem to mind being buried in water.

and here's some new funny-looking grass. every time we walk down to the river we see something new.

this storm went right over us and headed out to the ocean. sometimes it is sunny and hot and within 3 seconds, a storm blows over. they are awesome to watch. sometimes the sky will just burst and it will rain for 3 minutes and then the storm leaves and it's sunny and hot again. the weather here is just amazing like that.

here is some lettuce flowers. i am letting go to seed for seed-saving purposes. they are so pretty. who knew that lettuce could be so pretty?

check out the potatoes - they are thriving for sure. i love potatoes!

up close with a potatoe flower.

check it out! my first tomatoe flower - woohoo! i have named all of my tomatoe plants "Little Helga's". i am naming all of the flowers "Littler Helga's". anybody got a good idea for a name for the actual tomatoes?

check out these marinating pork chops - yummeh!

and a few leftover shrimp - toss them on the barbie too!

and voila! grilled delicious pork chops, shrimps, and grilled apples and nectarines - deelish!

after supper we went and sat in our rocking chairs out front. we had full bellies, we had had a full day and the sky was full of wonder.

i'll be around a lot this weekend hitting up all of your blogs and whatnot. i don't like it when jambaloney is away from home. i am going to miss him something fierce and not have a clue what to do with myself with him being gone. i know that i am a grown adult woman but that man is my life. i hope he has a nice trip. he is meeting up with some old friends tonight and i know that he will enjoy that. he will also get to see his Mom, Step-Dad, and Dad, as well as some other family. i hope he gets enough sleep and eats properly. i miss him so much and he only just drove down the driveway.


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