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Hyde the Hamster

Not a game Richard Gere plays, contrary to popular belief...

This was the character I originally designed for the sequel to Frankenstein's Cat, as mentioned in a previous post. As it happened we incorporated Hyde into the animated series proposal, and he's changed a bit along the way. As one of the other "Frankenpets", Hyde's special ability (as if ANY of them are remotely special) is that he's a lycanthropic werehamster, able to turn into a hairy rampaging monster at the drop of a hat. This, by the way, was created long ago, before the Wererabbit hit the screens by a long shot.

As it happened, we decided to make the other Frankenpets all girls, so giving Nine a real outsider's point of view- he didn't fit in remotely. This combined with his friend Lottie's unfotunate predicament of being the only girl in the village left the two of them as a real buddy-buddy act that is the at the core of the show. So Hyde became Heidi. Not too difficult a jump methinks.

Plus I love the design of Heidi, she's a real toerag bruiser who looks like she'd bite your ankles in a fight as a first resort!

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