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Four Days and Counting Before c2e2!

The Gamer Wife and I are going to be at c2e2 this Saturday, and as our first con of the real con season and obviously our first c2e2 bein' that it's the first one of its kinda and all, I am incredibly excited. It's been a couple years since I had a chance to go to Wizard World (in fact the last time was for part of my bachelor party the summer before The Gamer Wife earned her name), and while we've been doing Gencons and most recently Con of the North, there's something special about comic conventions.

Now, granted, the list of gaming events at c2e2 is definitely less than appealing. This shouldn't be a surprise since the only real gaming company that's going to be there is Wizards. All we have are some intro session to D&D 4th edition, a con delve, and some Magic tourneys. This would be a problem if I was hoping to get even a single game of something interesting in at the con, but lucky for us, we're not.

There are at least two different types of conventions in the nerd world: one that focuses extensively on gaming and the other which does not. It seems like the first kind has always had a lot of variety but more recently the second kind has gotten some pretty big shows for its category that seem to have popped up in the absence of San Diego Comic Con being as awesome as it has in years past. Really though, the two types are very different beasts. The types that focus on gaming are very time-intensive and active. We just recently did our registering for events for Gencon, and I can tell you that four days is about 10 days too short for all the events I'd love to participate in but don't have the time for. Comic conventions (the second type) are much more passive. It's much more along the lines of a traditional trade show. The Bro and I have long held that one day of a comic convention is just about the perfect amount of time to get to explore everything, catch some fun panels, and get out before everything gets too stale.

This of course before I became a member of the esteemed nerd press. While there aren't really any games to play at c2e2, the list of guests is incredibly huge, and I could probably spend a month at c2e2 just to get through all the interviews I'd love to do with the artists, writers, and overall creators of many of the coolest and exciting nerd things around. I don't know what we're going to do on Saturday - honestly it being the first c2e2, I could see being a little overwhelmed and not have a ton of interviews to report back with. I will say that there will likely be a lot of pictures posted live from the show directly from my phone, so it should be a fun Saturday to come back and checking for more coverage. You should hear from us again before the show, but if not, wish us luck!

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